Pure Supplements
Are you looking after yourself?
Trimming horses is a strenuous job, especially so when it is a hot day. After many
discussions with people working in the field, one thing has become
quite clear - many not looking after themselves very well. Horse people seem to be spending more effort and time looking after their equine friends than themselves.
Prolonged sweat loss, day after day can lead to deficiencies. Once established, they require some time to get on top of.
Thus, the best approach is to prevent this from happening in the first place.
Similarly, when you spend many hours in the saddle, e.g., trekking, endurance riding, etc. You need to look after yourself to ensure you don't get de-hydrated and mineral depleted. This is important for your nerves and muscles to function properly.
To help you with this, we have added this range of NZ made supplements to
help you along. The products all have proven themselves in human endurance sports
and are a great asset to have. So, go ahead and look after yourself with these tasty and practical products.